Private Blood tests at Manchester pharmacy

Blood tests determine your overall health.

At Manchester Pharmacy we provide blood test’s. Blood test’s have a wide range of use’s and are one of the most common types of medical test’s. Blood test’s can check for infection’s, see the functionality of certain organ’s, like your liver and kidney’s. They can also screen for certain genetic condition’s and check your overall health.

Most blood test’s only take a few moments to be carried out at local GP surgery or other health clinic you attend.

When it comes to preparing for a blood test, a healthcare professional at Manchester pharmacy who will arrange your blood test and will provide you with any specific instructions that you may need to follow before your test. For example, depending on the type of blood test, you may be asked to avoid eating or drinking anything apart from water, for up to 12 hours and to stop taking certain medicines. Its important to follow the instruction’s you’re given, as it may affect the result of the test and will be delayed or carried out another time.


Some benefit’s

  • Blood test’s show the function of your organs
  • They will show your vitamins and minerals status, your blood reports will inform you about the level of these essential nutrient’s in the body, this can help you to make change’s to your diet according to your needs/deficiencies.
  • Will keep you up to date with your platelet count, haemoglobin, white blood cells. These are important to keep on track of as they are essential to your health and can inform you about potential infection’s like anemia and blood clotting.
The routine for blood tests

At Manchester pharmacy our routine for a blood test usually involves taking a blood sample from a blood vessel in your arm. Before taking the sample, the doctor or nurse will clean the area of the skin with an antiseptic wipe.

A needle is inserted to draw a sample of your blood. You may feel a slight pricking or scratching sensation as the needle goes in, however it shouldn’t hurt. If you don’t like needles and blood, tell the person who is taking the sample so they can make you more comfortable. When the sample has been successfully taken the needle will be removed. Pressure will be applied using a cotton-wool pad. A plaster may be put on the small wound to keep it clean. If you have any after-effects make sure to let a health professional know.

Diagnosing off blood tests

Blood test’s at Manchester pharmacy cannot diagnose many diseases and medical problems. Other criteria may be considered by your doctor in order to confirm a diagnosis. They will test you off your symptom’s, medical history, vital signs (blood pressure, respiration, pulse and temperature).

At Manchester pharmacy some test result’s will be ready the same day or a few days later, although others may be available in a few weeks. You’ll be told when your results will be ready and how you’ll be given them.

Sometimes, receiving results can be stressful and upsetting. If you’re worried about the outcome of a test from Manchester pharmacy, you may choose to take a trusted friend or relative with you. For some test’s such as HIV, you will be offered specialist counselling to help you deal with your results. You will also receive advice for dealing with HIV if diagnosed.

Manchester pharmacy provide blood tests to:
  • Examine how well organs like the kidneys, liver, thyroid, and heart are functioning
  • Make sure your medication’s are working
  • Check your risk factor’s for heart disease
  • Diseases and condition’s such as cancer, HIV/AIDS
  • Test your blood’s ability to clot

Blood Tests Available:

Select Blood Test
Select the type of blood test you require from below and click to book.
Book Test
On the booking stage select BLOOD TESTS then availability and simply pay a deposit of £20
Treatment Day
On the treatment day you can pay for the Blood Test you require from below

General Health Profile

This profile is a detailed check of your liver & kidney function, your muscle & bone health, gout, iron levels, diabetes (HbA1c), and your full cholesterol profile.

Thyroid Diagnosis & Monitoring

This Thyroid Function Profile checks the general function of your thyroid gland. It tests for the level of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) and free T4 (thyroxine).

Pregnancy Test - Beta HCG (Quantitative)

Blood tests can detect Beta-HCG at lower levels than a urine test so this test can help you confirm your pregnancy at the earliest possible date.

Diabetes - Diagnosis and Monitoring

A high HbA1c is used to diagnose diabetes. It is particularly useful because it gives an indication of how often you have had abnormally high blood glucose levels over the previous 3 months.

Testosterone Check

Check your Testosterone levels. In adult males Testosterone is the hormone responsible for controlling sex drive, maintaining muscle mass and producing sperm.

Cholesterol Test

This test can indicate your risk of developing cardiovascular problems. High Cholesterol levels can cause your arteries to become blocked – leading to coronary heart disease, heart attack or a stroke.


Calcium tests are used to diagnose and monitor different conditions that can affect bone, heart and kidneys.

CRP- high sensitivity

hsCRP is a test which measures a protein which increases in the blood during inflammation. hsCRP tests are also used to predict the risk of heart conditions such as heart attack.


Ferritin is a blood protein that is used to store iron. Iron is used for the transportation of oxygen in the blood. It is measured to understand how much iron the body stores. Ferritin tests are used to diagnose anaemia and liver disease.

Folate (Vitamin B9)

Folate is a vitamin which is necessary for the formation of red blood cells, tissue and cellular repairs and is important during pregnancy. It can be found in leafy green vegetables, yeast and citrus fruits. Folate tests are used to help diagnose the cause of anaemia.

Follicular Stimulating Hormone

FSH is a reproductive hormone that is produced by the pituitary gland in the brain. FSH stimulates the growth and development of unfertilised eggs during the menstrual cycle in women and initiates the production of sex hormones such as oestradiol and progesterone.

Full Blood Count

Provides information about different cells in the blood, including red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Please note that FBC samples need to be tested within 24 hours and are not suitable for post.

Hepatitis B Immunity

A hepatitis B IgG immunity blood test indicates whether a person is protected against the hepatitis B virus. The test is normally carried out after receiving a course of hepatitis B vaccines.

Hepatitis B Surface Antigen

Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) are produced in the body by the hepatitis B virus. It is a virus which causes a liver infection and is spread from contact with the blood and bodily fluids of an infected person. HBsAg tests are used to diagnose if a person is currently infectious.

Hepatitis C Antibodies

Hepatitis C Antibodies (HCAg) are produced by the immune system after exposure to hepatitis C. Hepatitis C is a virus which causes a liver infection and is spread from contact with the blood of an infected person. HCAg tests are used to determine whether a person has previously been exposed to hepatitis C.

HIV 1&2/p4 Antigen

HIV 1&2 antibodies are produced by the immune system after exposure to HIV. HIV 1&2 antibodies tests are used to measure the presence of antibodies being produced in response to the presence of HIV.

Kidney Function Tests

Your kidneys play a vital role in keeping your body functioning including the removal of waste products, releasing hormones to regulate blood pressure and controlling the production of red blood cells. A healthy kidney function is vital to your overall health and wellbeing.

Liver Function Tests

The liver is responsible for many of the bodies essential functions such as regulating blood sugar levels, fighting infections and detoxifying your blood. Good liver function is vital to your overall health and wellbeing.

Luteinising Hormone

LH is a reproductive hormone that is produced by the pituitary gland in the brain. The LH test is used to determine any reproductive problems.

Magnesium (Serum)

Magnesium tests are used to investigate the severity of kidney problems as well as diagnosing and monitoring gastrointestinal disorders.

Oestradiol (E2)

Oestradiol is a form of oestrogen and the main female hormone produced by non-pregnant women. Oestradiol tests are used for the evaluation of ovarian function.

Progesterone - Day 21

Checks your progesterone levels which can confirm whether you have ovulated or not. It needs to be taken about 21 days into your cycle.


A prolactin test is used to diagnose infertility in both men and women as well as menstrual problems and erectile dysfunction.

Syphilis IgG/IgM

Syphilis IgM/IgG are produced by the immune system during and after exposure to syphilis. IgM are antibodies that are the first form of response to syphilis are used to indicate current infection. IgG are antibodies that are produced after exposure to syphilis are used as an indicator of long-term immunity that the body creates.

Vitamin B12 (Active)

Vitamin B12 is essential for your health and well being and performs several important functions in the body, including keeping the nervous system healthy. A vitamin B12 test is particularly important for those on a plant-based diet.

Vitamin D (25-OH)

Vitamin D is essential for your health and wellbeing. It helps regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body which are needed to keep bones, teeth and muscles healthy. Low levels can cause a long list of problems including fatigue, bone & muscle pain, depression and more.



Iron Status Profile

This profile checks levels of iron. Low iron can cause anaemia, a common issue causing a list of problems starting with fatigue, weakness and coldness which can progress to more serious conditions.

PSA Total

Total Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) is the total amount of prostate specific antigen being produced by the cells in the prostate gland. This test is used to detect and monitor the treatment response of prostate cancer.

Testosterone Plus

Check your Testosterone levels and related biomarkers. In adult males Testosterone is the hormone responsible for controlling sex drive, maintaining muscle mass and producing sperm.

Male Hormone Profile

This profile checks for the full range of male hormones which is very useful for giving information about male fertility and other hormone related issues. It also covers hormones relevant to sports and testosterone supplementation.

Erectile Dysfunction Profile

This profile checks for a range of male hormones and other health indicators which can contribute to erectile dysfunction. It includes a full cholesterol test, a test for diabetes, a check-up of both your prostate and thyroid glands, and a hormone test for prolactin and testosterone, the main sex hormone in males.

Vitamin Profile

This profile checks your vitamin D, vitamin B9 (Folate) and vitamin B12 levels. These vitamins are all essential for your health and wellbeing. Vitamins are a group of substances that our bodies need for normal cell function, growth and development.

Full Thyroid Profile

Thyroid disorders are common but often remain undiagnosed. This test checks the function of your thyroid gland. It tests for the level of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) and Free T4 (Thyroxine).

Prostate Profile

This profile checks the level of Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA). A high PSA can indicate problems with the prostate gland.

Heart Health Profile

This test includes a range of tests that have been shown to be very important indicators of risks to your heart’s health, including a full cholesterol profile and tests for inflammation. It also includes a test for diabetes which shows you how well your body controls your blood sugar.

Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea Screen-Urine

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection from the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis. Chlamydia is by far the most common sexually transmitted disease in the UK at present.Gonorrhoea is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae. If left untreated, gonorrhoea can cause severe reproductive and health problems.

Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea Screen-Urine

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection from the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis. Chlamydia is by far the most common sexually transmitted disease in the UK at present.Gonorrhoea is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae. If left untreated, gonorrhoea can cause severe reproductive and health problems.

Menopause Hormones Profile

This home test checks for the important hormones needed to give information about menopause.

STI Screen-Bloods Only

This Blood test covers a wide range of common blood-bourne infections and provides you with a fast and simple way to check up on your sexual health.

Premier General Health Profile

Comprehensive check of your liver & kidney function, your muscle & bone health, gout, iron levels, diabetes (HbA1c), your full cholesterol profile and full blood count. It provides an excellent baseline health check.

Anti-MÜllerian Hormone

An AMH test is often used to check a woman’s ability to produce eggs that can be fertilised for pregnancy. AMH levels can help show how many potential egg cells a woman has left (the ovarian reverse).

Hepatitis B Profile

(HepB sAg,HepB sAb,HepB core IgG/IgM)
A detailed profile which checks not only for a current hepatitis B infection but to differentiate between immunity due to a previous infection or a vaccination.

Anaemia profile

This test is designed to discover clues in your blood as to why you may be feeling unusually tired or fatigued.

Fertility Hormone Profile

This home test checks levels of important hormones related to fertility, menopause, period problems and other hormone related issues.

Well Person Profile

This extensive profile is perfect for any man or woman wishing to have a full body check-up and screening for potential underlying diseases or conditions.

Tiredness/Fatigue Profile

Designed to discover clues in your blood as to why you may be feeling unusually tired or fatigued. It includes a full blood count and tests for vitamin D, iron levels including ferritin; and thyroid function tests.

Sports Fitness Profile

This test is for anyone wanting information about their fitness for sports – either before starting a programme, or to monitor progress during one.

Sports Hormone Profile

This profile is for anyone wanting information about their hormones and related systems that may be affected by their sporting activities or supplements.

Well Man Profile

This comprehensive Profile is perfect for any man wishing to have a full body check-up and screening for potential underlying diseases or conditions.

Well Woman Profile

This comprehensive profile is perfect for any woman wishing to have a full body check and screening for potential underlying diseases or conditions.

Male Sexual Health - Advanced Screen

This blood and urine test covers a wide range of common infections and provides you with a fast and simple way to check up on your sexual health.

Female Sexual Health - Advanced Screen

This blood and vaginal swab covers a wide range of common infections and provides you with a fast and simple way to check up on your sexual health. Please note that this test requires a dry swab.

COVID-19 Vaccine and Immune Response

"Quantitative" Antibody Blood Test
Did your vaccine work? Do you have some immunity to Covid-19? Check the level of your immune system's response to vaccination or past infection.

Full UK Allergen Profile+Total IgE

This test can check for close to 300 relevant allergen sources (except drug allergens, such as penicillin).

Blood Group Profile

Blood group testing is a method to tell what type of blood you have. Your blood type is based on which proteins are on your red blood cells and this is either type A, B, AB or O.