Ear Microsuction

At Manchester pharmacy we offer ear microsuction however we sometimes like to offer other courses of treatment to see which treatment works best for removing ear wax.

Hearing loss is overtaking diabetes and other diseases and will be UKs top 10 disease burdens by the year 2030. There are over a billion people in the world suffering from hearing loss. The demand for ear and hearing loss services will grow higher due to all the modern technologies where we are exposed to louder music and the misuse of ear products such as cotton buds. Hearing loss can affect the way we live and will also link to poorer quality of life and social isolation. Hearing loss can also contribute to the risk of dementia.

Microsuction is one of the safest methods to clean the ears. It is quick and painless and only requires like 10 to 20 minutes in total. About 25% of our population have a moderate to severe ear wax issue which requires intervention.

As hearing loss is growing, treatments such as irrigation are no longer free of costs. On average people have to wait about 12-16 weeks to get wax removal services on the NHS.

Ear microsuction uses a small tube and air suction to clear your ear canals of wax build up. This is the safest way of removing ear wax for people who suffer with problematic ear wax build up despite simple measures to keep their ears clear. It is now recognised as the safest option over other traditional ear syringing which is no longer offered by many GP practices due to a higher rate of complications.

At Manchester pharmacy if you wanted to try another course of treatment other than ear microsuction, speak to one of our pharmacists they will offer advice and suggest treatments about earwax build-up. Our pharmacist might recommend medicines to dissolve the earwax. The earwax should fall out on its own or dissolve after about a week. Don’t use drops if you have a hole in your eardrum (a perforated eardrum).

At Manchester Pharmacy and Health Clinic we offer a quick Ear Microsuction procedure which you can book below.

For more details regarding our ear microsuction service, get in touch with us today!

Please use olive oil in the ear for 3-5 days before the appointment.