Chickenpox Vaccination Manchester
The chickenpox vaccination aids in the prevention of chickenpox – a highly contagious infection causing itchy, spotty rash. The virus is not typically dangerous, unless you fall into the following categories:
- pregnant women
- babies
- adolescents
- those with a weakened immune system
It is advised that those who are more susceptible to becoming gravely ill from chickenpox receive the vaccination, as it is the best way to prevent the virus. Chickenpox Vaccination in Manchester offered at our Manchester Pharmacy. Book today!

Who should get vaccinated against chickenpox?
Those who meet the following criteria and are in good health are advised to be vaccinated:
- 9 months old and over
- previously not had chickenpox
- you are frequently or closely interact with someone who might become gravely ill from chickenpox, such as an adult undergoing chemotherapy or a child with leukaemia.
If you have never had chickenpox and your line of work requires you to be in close proximity to patients, you should also get the vaccination. The categories are as follows:
- doctors and nurses
- ambulance staff
- GP surgery and hospital receptionists
- hospital ward cleaners
- catering staff
- laboratory workers who are exposed to the chickenpox virusIf you’re unsure if you’ve ever had chickenpox, a blood test can confirm this.

Who cannot receive the vaccination?
The chickenpox vaccination is generally available to those who require it.
However, since the vaccination is live and contains a weakened strain of the chickenpox virus, it is not safe for the following groups:
- Individuals receiving chemotherapy or suffering from a disease such as HIV that has compromised their immune system
- expectant mothers
- infants younger than nine months
- Individuals who experienced a life-threatening allergic response (anaphylaxis) after receiving a previous dose of the vaccine or any of its ingredients, such as gelatin or neomycin
- those who received their MMR vaccination four weeks prior.
After receiving your final dose of the chickenpox vaccination, you should wait one month before planning a pregnancy.
Getting vaccinated if you’re unwell
Please wait to receive the vaccination until you feel better if you have a fever or are too sick to perform your regular tasks.
How is the vaccine administered?
You receive the chickenpox vaccination via injection into your arm.
Two dosages spaced four to eight weeks apart are required.
Side effects of the vaccine
The majority of the vaccine’s negative effects are minor and transient.
They may consist of:
- discomfort or swelling where the injection was administered;
- fever
- a rash that generally appears one month after immunisation and may be localised in the injection site or more widespread.Rarely do severe side effects occur, such as a strong allergic response. The healthcare professional administering the vaccination has received training on how to handle and promptly treat allergic reactions.