What are Vitamin B12 injections and why do we need them?

Most people have very busy lifestyles, and find it very difficult to find time for themselves. Due to this, many of us are unaware that we are deficient in essential vitamins and minerals. Deficient levels of vitamin B12 can quickly make people aware that their health is at risk. B12 plays an integral role in many functions of the body.

Vitamin B12 is water-soluble, your body does not store it and many of us are susceptible to not getting enough B12 in our diets. Luckily, people can receive their B12 through foods such as meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. If you do not already receive the B12 injection, you must be tested for a deficiency before we can treat you. This is to make sure you are suitable for the injection.

What is a vitamin B12 injection?

The vitamin B12 injection is typically prescribed by doctors for those suffering from low vitamin B12 levels. A B12 shot is an injection that a doctor may prescribe to treat a vitamin B12 deficiency, especially if a person’s body has difficulty absorbing the vitamin.

A deficiency in B12 can lead to various health problems, ranging from fatigue to permanent neurological changes. When experiencing symptoms of a Vitamin B12 deficiency you can be tested today.

A vitamin B12 shot helps to boost your body’s energy levels and prevent fatigue, helping you to lose weight and also by lowering the risk of heart disease and other serious health concerns. Vitamin B12 is also essential for keeping your skin healthy.

Who will suffer from Vitamin B12 Deficiency?

Vitamin B12 injections are only available by prescription following a clinical diagnosis of low levels. However, low levels are rare in most healthy adults because the human liver stores vitamin B12 over time.

Those who may suffer with vitamin B12 deficiency are individuals who have undergone gastrointestinal surgery, including weight loss surgery. Their body’s will struggle to absorb vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 mainly occurs in animal foods, so people who follow a plant-based diet have a higher risk of vitamin B12 deficiency.

Overall, vitamin B12 injections are essential for preventing anaemia and maintaining your overall neurological health. People at risk of heart disease would benefit from having Vitamin B12 injections.

For more information regarding our Vitamin B12 injections get in touch with us today to see if your eligible for your injection.

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